19 Feb

#armvote13 hashtag analysis update Feb 19 5:30pm

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Feb 19 noon


full report

Feb 19 5:30pm


full report

Focusing on the 5:30 analysis, things have gotten really interesting!

Group 1 is full of Armenians, Group 2 is Azerbaijanis (but not pro-government ones) and foreigners (with some foreign Armenians thrown in the mix), Group 3 is Rauf et al.

Group 1 is talking about the actual election, with lots of livestreaming and local coverage. Group 2 seems to be focusing on the hashtag hijacking story as well as foreign news coverage. Group 3 – well, you know what they were talking about.

Today people are protesting and I assume they’ll keep using the #armvote13 hashtag, so I’ll keep tracking!

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