Caucasus Technology Statistics

Because my work looks at inequalities related to technology in the Caucasus, I’ve been tracking Internet, mobile phone, and personal computer penetration rates for years. Putting them all in one place seems like a good idea!

First, I want to acknowledge that measuring technology use and ownership isn’t easy. I detail the problems associated with it here. (Please read this.)

As you will read, I don’t trust the ITU data because it is difficult to know where the data comes from.

The best that we have, which isn’t perfect either, are well collected national surveys. These include ones from the World Bank, Gallup, and the Caucasus Research Resource Center.
I like the Caucasus Research Resource Center best because of its long-term commitment to social science in the Caucasus.

Here are some blog posts that I’ve done on penetration rates (most include graphics):

* Facebook in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia 2014, Facebook September
* Internet (infographic), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia 2013, Caucasus Barometer
* Facebook, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia 2013, Caucasus Barometer
* Azerbaijan and gender online sneak peek, 2013, Caucasus Barometer
* Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Internet Use, 2013 (some trends), Caucasus Barometer
* Facebook in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia 2014, Facebook March
* Facebook in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia 2014, Facebook January
* Facebook vs. Odnoklassniki, Armenia, 2013, CRRC Alternative Resources Media
* Where do Armenians get online and how?, Armenia, 2013, CRRC Alternative Resources Media
* Internet activities, Armenia, 2013, CRRC Alternative Resources Media
* All technology, Azerbaijan, multiple years, multiple sources
* All technology, Azerbaijan, multiple years, Caucasus Barometer – 2012 update
* Internet, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet infographic, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Social networking sites, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Regional and gender Internet activities, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet and SNS by age, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet activities, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet users types, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* Gender online, Azerbaijan, 2012, Caucasus Barometer
* All technology, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, multiple years, Caucasus Barometer
* All technology, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (with gender and regional), 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* All technology, Azerbaijan (with gender), 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* All technology, Armenia, multiple years, multiple sources
* All technology, Azerbaijan, multiple years, Caucasus Barometer
* Mobile phone penetration, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, multiple years, multiple sources 
* Internet (inequality focus), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 2010, Caucasus Barometer
* Mobile phone penetration, Armenia, multiple years, multiple sources
* All technology boom, Armenia, multiple years, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet (with gender), Azerbaijan, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Facebook versus Odnoklassniki, Armenia, 2010, Caucasus Barometer
* Social networking sites, Azerbaijan, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Television viewing, Azerbaijan, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Who doesn’t use technology (technology and inequality), Armenia, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Who doesn’t use technology (technology and inequality), Azerbaijan, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Who doesn’t use technology (technology and inequality), Georgia, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Mobile phone penetration, all of Europe (including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), 2010, EBRD
* Computer penetration, all of Europe (including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), 2010, EBRD
* Home Internet penetration, all of Europe (including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), 2010, EBRD
* Regional differences in means of getting online, Armenia, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* Where do Armenians get online, 2011, Caucasus Barometer
* What do Armenians do on social networking sites, 2010, Caucasus Barometer
* Internet penetration and activities, Kazakhstan, 2011
* Internet penetration and activities, Tajikistan, 2011
* Internet penetration and activities (focus on inequalities), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, 2011
* This is a takedown of an Azerbaijani media report about Internet penetration throughout the country, 2011
* Thoughts on social media in the Caucasus part 1
* Thoughts on social media in the Caucasus part 2

(And for non-technology related analyses, click here.)

One thought on “Caucasus Technology Statistics

  1. Pingback: 2013 Internet Penetration – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia | Katy Pearce

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